Radisson Hotel Group Gains Global Visibility with Lansweeper

About Radisson Hotel Group 

Radisson Hotel Group is one of the world’s largest hotel groups, with nine distinct brands that target a wide range of travelers and budgets. The organization operates more than 1,600 hotels across 120 countries and five continents, with plans to add much more hotels in 2022.


  • Gained real-time visibility and insights through Lansweeper Cloud
  • Eliminated manual data gathering and reporting, saving time and resources
  • Consolidated and simplified reporting at the global level
  • Improved budgeting and forecasting to optimize IT spending and performance across all properties
  • Streamlined software and hardware upgrades and rollouts

With the addition of so many hotels, Radisson’s IT asset inventory is growing exponentially. While the company’s IT Field Services doesn’t manage the day-to-day IT needs of individual properties, it has various responsibilities and varying degrees of oversight, depending on the contract or agreement with a particular hotel. «We are the missing link between technical staff at corporate and the operational IT teams at the various hotels,» said Ben Vrijsen, Manager IT Field Services EMEA, Radisson. «As much as possible, our goal is to standardize technologies and processes across all properties – and this requires insight into the IT asset inventories across all of our hotels.»

«The time and cost savings we realize from using Lansweeper Cloud to collect and consolidate all of the IT asset data across all our properties is substantial. At the same time, we gain unprecedented insights that will help us optimize IT spend and performance across the enterprise.»

Ben Vrijsen
Manager IT Field Services EMEA, Radisson

At Radisson, individual IT teams at each of the hotels had been using Lansweeper to discover and make inventories of their IT assets. However, at the global level, a holistic view of the entire IT estate was lacking. «Every time we needed information from the hotels, we’d have to reach out to them individually, and they would submit the data in various formats such as Excel spreadsheets, which are error-prone and inefficient, » said Vrijsen. «That made it difficult to consolidate the data to view and analyze it holistically.»

To solve this problem, Vrijsen’s team implemented Lansweeper Cloud, a solution that extends Lansweeper’s industry-leading Discovery Software with a modern, cloud-based interface. Lansweeper Cloud federates data from distributed, local Lansweeper instances, creating a single source of truth. In this way, global organizations gain visibility and actionable insights into multiple, geographically distributed sites from a single browser-based portal.

Through Lansweeper cloud, Vrijsen and his team have instant access to valuable data about the IT inventory and infrastructure at various hotel locations and can create useful reports in minutes, without having to request or consolidate data from individual properties.

«Lansweeper is a well-priced product that gives us exactly what we need – a complete and accurate overview of our IT asset inventory.»


Ben Vrijsen
Manager IT Field Services EMEA, Radisson

One Platform, Many Use Cases

Currently, Lansweeper is used to scan the administration network at 60 of Radisson’s hotels, including workstations, servers, switches, and printers. Vrijsen’s team uses Lansweeper data to inform various IT projects, implement cybersecurity measures and support budgeting decisions. 

«Our main goal is to enroll as many hotels as possible, so we have full visibility of all of the asset data across the organization,» Vrijsen said. 

According to Vrijsen, his team relies heavily on Lansweeper reporting for a high-level overview of the state of the infrastructure and technology assets across all locations. Vrijsen’s team has also leveraged Lansweeper’s API to feed Lansweeper data into other business-critical tools, as well. For example, Lansweeper data has been used to augment budget reporting for some of the group’s hotels. «Rather than relying on the hotels to provide the information, we simply pull the data from Lansweeper,» he said. «We can then generate insights on the current asset inventory and use them to improve forecasting, by tracking how our locations spend the funds we allocate to them.»

Vrijsen said Lansweeper is also useful for determining when to roll out software and upgrades. «If we have a new software application that needs to be distributed to our hotels, and it has some specific requirements on the hardware side, it’s easy to determine where upgrades are necessary prior to rolling out the application,» he said.

Lansweeper data supports investigations of security incidents, as well. «When the Log4J vulnerability hit this past December, we needed to rapidly provide the Security team a list of potential systems, software, and devices that could have been impacted,» Vrijsen said. «Lansweeper put that information at our fingertips.»

Vrijsen said that Lansweeper has been supportive and proactive in helping his team access the information they need and create reports tailored to their specifications. «Many vendors are very active during the sales cycle, but as soon as the product is sold, you’re left in the dark, trying to implement, adopt and use it yourself,» he said. «It’s completely different with Lansweeper. They’ve been very proactive and supportive as we set up and configured our reporting, to ensure we’re getting the most value from the platform.»

Radisson Hotel Group

Lansweeper Cloud + On-Premises Enables Oversite with Data Privacy

Eventually, Vrijsen’s team will use Lansweeper to track every device across all Radisson’s properties in Lansweeper – even door locks, which contain serial numbers and software. And they can do this without compromising data privacy requirements. «Leveraging Lansweeper Cloud, we can enable hotels to simply install the on-premises version of Lansweeper locally and keep their information confidential,» Vrijsen said. «Only the corporate team will be able to view their IT asset data through the cloud platform, and no other hotels will be able to access it.»

For Vrijsen and his team, this is extremely valuable. «The time and cost savings we realize from using Lansweeper to collect and consolidate all of the IT asset data across all our properties are substantial,» he said. «At the same time, we gain unprecedented insights that will help us optimize IT spend and performance across the enterprise.»


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The Enterprise-grade Platform for Managing Technology Asset Data in 1 Place