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I will soon be migrating a lot of Windows XP to Windows 7 as I did from Windows 2000 to XP, after looking at USMT4 documentation I found it to support shadow copy. This nice switch (/vsc) made me think it was safe to do a migration this way. So I've made an action to make the migration of a Windows XP machine to Windows 7. In migrate.bat I've added some "intelligence" so it knows if it's a backup or restore, when the user migrates to a new computer before running migrate.bat again I have to rename the folder of the computername. Take care, maybe some environment variables are specific of my environment...

cmd.exe /k {actionpath}psexec.exe \\{computer} -c -f -u %userdomain%\%USERNAME% \\server\share4$\migrate.bat

@echo off

if not defined computername (echo ERROR: variable comutername not defined! & goto end)

set migrationpath="\\server\share$\%computername%"
set aplpath=\\server\share$\USMT

if exist %migrationpath%\restored goto error
if exist %migrationpath% goto restore

"%aplpath%\scanstate" %migrationpath% /config:"%aplpath%\config.xml" /i:"%aplpath%\ExcludeMP3.xml" /i:"%aplpath%\IncludePST.xml" /i:"%aplpath%\ExcludeDaten.xml" /i:"%aplpath%\MigUser.xml" /i:"%aplpath%\MigApp.xml" /i:"%aplpath%\MigDocs.xml" /ue:* /ui:domain\* /uel:180 /c /localonly /l:\\server\share$\logs\%computername%_backup.log /efs:skip /vsc
goto end

"%aplpath%\loadstate" %migrationpath% /config:"%aplpath%\config.xml" /i:"%aplpath%\miguser.xml" /i:"%aplpath%\migapp.xml" /i:"%aplpath%\migsys.xml" /ue:domain\user1 /ue:domain\user2 /ue:domain\user3 /l:\\server\share$\logs\%computername%_restore.log
mkdir %migrationpath%\restored
goto end

echo Restore already done, please recheck or delete folder %migrationpath%\restored if you really wish to restore again
