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Engaged Sweeper II
Hi guys,

I'm trying to copy files from the local C drive where my lansweeer is sitting to a c drive on a remote computer/
I'm using the following command:

copy /Y c:\or\redemption.dll c:\or\

"or" is the name of the folder where the file is in the server
I'd like it to copy to a folder called "or" in the C drive of whatever computer I'm choosing from the list. The OR folder on the destination computer does not exist so I need Lansweeper to create it for me.

I keep getting "incorrect function" when I run it. I'm using the system account who is also our domain admin

zberkshier91 wrote:
I ran into a similar need not too long ago trying to push new files from my package share to the client PC.

I ended up finding a VB script that so far has worked really well.

Dim fso
Const OverwriteExisting = True
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fso.CopyFile "\\SERVERNAME\defaultpackageshare$\Scripts\Google files\master_preferences", "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\master_preferences", OverwriteExisting


Can you explain the steps you created the deployment with this script step by step?
Sory but I'm really new to the whole deployment stuff.
