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Engaged Sweeper III
Does anybody know if it's possible to build a report using criteria from the deployment logs?

I just want to deploy a package to 300 computers and after i'd like to build a clean report on the computers it was successful and the computers is was not successful for.

Champion Sweeper III
It is possible to create reports from the information that is brought back in the deployment logs. The following report will give back the information that is shown in the deployment logs. The tables where the deployment information is stored start with tsysPackage...

You can replace the highlighted part below with correct server name

Select Top 1000000 pl.Added As [Log Date],
p.PackageName As Package,
pl.Executor As Executor,
pl.Errorcode As [Return],
pl.LastStepID As [Last Step],
Case When pl.RunMode = 1 Then 'System Account'
When pl.RunMode = 2 Then 'Scanning Credentials'
When pl.RunMode = 3 Then 'Currently Logged On' End As [Run Mode],
Case When pl.Success = 1 Then 'black' Else 'red' End As foregroundcolor,
Case When pl.Success = 1 Then 'tick.png' Else 'minus.png' End As icon,
pl.Errormessage As Message,
pl.Version As [Deployer Version]
From tsysPackageLogs pl
Left Outer Join tblAssets a On pl.AssetID = a.AssetID
Join tsysPackages p On pl.PackageID = p.PackageID
Where pl.ServerName = 'TestServer'
Order By [Log Date] Desc

View solution in original post

Engaged Sweeper III
This worked great, do you know how i would be able to filter by package?
Champion Sweeper III
It is possible to create reports from the information that is brought back in the deployment logs. The following report will give back the information that is shown in the deployment logs. The tables where the deployment information is stored start with tsysPackage...

You can replace the highlighted part below with correct server name

Select Top 1000000 pl.Added As [Log Date],
p.PackageName As Package,
pl.Executor As Executor,
pl.Errorcode As [Return],
pl.LastStepID As [Last Step],
Case When pl.RunMode = 1 Then 'System Account'
When pl.RunMode = 2 Then 'Scanning Credentials'
When pl.RunMode = 3 Then 'Currently Logged On' End As [Run Mode],
Case When pl.Success = 1 Then 'black' Else 'red' End As foregroundcolor,
Case When pl.Success = 1 Then 'tick.png' Else 'minus.png' End As icon,
pl.Errormessage As Message,
pl.Version As [Deployer Version]
From tsysPackageLogs pl
Left Outer Join tblAssets a On pl.AssetID = a.AssetID
Join tsysPackages p On pl.PackageID = p.PackageID
Where pl.ServerName = 'TestServer'
Order By [Log Date] Desc